Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Time to recover

Source: http://www.lakeshorelearning.com/

I originally started this blog for one soul purpose- to get a good grade in my Sports Psychology class, however throughout the process I've found that I love it!  That being said, I would like to apologize for semi falling off the face of the planet.  This past week, I slept less than 24 hours (don't advise this), had a few exams, fundraising stress, and was trying to heal my body from injury.  Ugh, let me tell you something: I was beyond not having motivation to work out; I felt so defeated by lack of control for my injury and pain.  At the same time, my stress level just kept building due to lack of a physical outlet!  Do you ever feel if you work out or take care of yourself the best way possible, something else has to be sacrificed or you will fail a big project? 

My winged scapulas :(
Quick update: Chronic injury in my scapular region is kind of sweet (science project like), has recently been causing a lot of pain, tingling, and numbness in my arm and hand.  Most runs and other daily activities will pinch the nerve causing sharp pain and tingles.  Solution to this problem: intensive physical therapy and rest.  Tonight, I had my first run in over a week; was somewhat rushed, but I got 3 miles in.  Pain level was at the moderate to annoying stage and am feeling good about taking time to recover. (Click on picture to enlarge).

Dealing with injury isn't the easiest or most fun thing to do; but sometimes all you really need is to let your body recharge and rest.  My favorite thing to do when I'm recharging my batteries is hanging out with my friends, laughing, and listening to music.  Music has the ability to snap me back into focus and remind me that I can do this.  Injury is a set back but its not the end of the world!  Does anyone have tips on how they've been dealing with aches and pains?

This song gives me so much motivation to keep my head up; I hope it speaks to you and keeps you going on difficult days.  Lupe Fiasco's hit song Show Goes On is today's pick.  Enjoy everyone! 

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