Thursday, March 24, 2011

Goal Setting

Here's the thing about goals, its not enough to say, "I want to get healthy."  That's wonderful, but its not a very good goal.  What is healthy?  How do you get there? What is driving you to get healthy? Do you see a pattern forming, the goal of wanting to get healthy is to vague.  Goals need to be specific, a great way to think about goals is to think of the word SMART to get you started.*
S= Specific
M= Measurable
A= Achievable **
R= Record It **
T= Time

A goal should be specific- I want to lower my blood pressure from 160/84 to 120/70 by starting to exercise and eating less high sodium foods.
Measurable- You need to be able to measure your progress-if you aren't doing so great, reevaluate, and make the needed changes- ALWAYS check in with yourself and make adjustments!!
Achievable- A goal has to be realistic and achievable.  Think challenging but totally possible. 
Record it- Write down your goal, this makes your goal real. 
Time- You have to put a time frame on your goal, these can be both long and short-term time frames.
Checking in with your Living Healthy Buddy is a great way to stay motivated and reevaluate your goal.

Below is one of my many goals- I put this in staircase form to help you see the progression of my short-term goals that helps me achieve my ultimate goal. (Click on picture to enlarge).

Take some time today, think about what your health goals are, write them down and share with your buddy.  These goals can be anything-make them your own.  Do you want to get back to your pre-baby body?  Trying to lower your cholesterol, maybe wanting to lose some weight.  Whatever the goal, make it our own.

Now go for another walk, increase our total time by 5-10 minutes.  This song should get you off on the right foot!  Today's pick- I believe by Yolanda Adams.

*Keep in mind that this form of goal setting doesn't work for everyone but DOES work for most.
**A & R can mean a variety of things most common are Achievable, Attainable, Responsible, Record it, or Realistic.  All of these options are great but I like Achievable and Record it.

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